搬瓦工节点大规模维护通知 [已完成]









19:30 PST: All updates have been completed, all affected VMs have been restarted.




另外,IP被封了是不能退款或者换机房的。详见:《搬瓦工VPS IP被封是否可以更换机房或申请退款?






下面是目前的月付方案,详细区别请看:《搬瓦工 10G KVM – PROMO,10G VZ – PROMO 和 SPECIAL 10G KVM PROMO V3 的区别

KVM 常规版 20 GB(年付49.99方案)
  • CPU:2 核
  • 内存:1024 MB
  • 硬盘:20 GB SSD
  • 流量:1000 GB
  • 带宽:1 Gbps
  • 机房:KVM 8 个机房
  • 迁移:可迁移,到 CN2 后流量为 1/3
  • 价格:4.99 美元/月,49.99 美元/年
CN2 常规版 20 GB(年付49.99方案)
  • CPU:1 核
  • 内存:1024 MB
  • 硬盘:20 GB SSD
  • 流量:1000 GB / 月
  • 带宽:1 Gbps
  • 机房:KVM 8 个机房
  • 迁移:可迁移机房,流量不变
  • 价格:5.99 美元/月,49.99 美元/年

不差钱的当然也可以重新买个便宜的年付继续用,目前香港的没遇到任何问题。更多方案选择都可以前往《搬瓦工 10G KVM - PROMO,10G VZ - PROMO 和 SPECIAL 10G KVM PROMO V3 的区别》进行查看。


Preventative emergency maintenance - part 2

On Tuesday, January 23 at approx. 14:50 PST we will be performing an unscheduled maintenance on the below referenced nodes in order to prevent performance degradation.

Originally we planned to perform this maintenance after final BIOS updates addressing the Spectre vulnerability become available from our hardware vendors. However after today's communication from Intel it is clear that it will take at least a few more days - if not weeks - before we receive final BIOS updates. Meanwhile, we want to restore stability of our services in a predictable amount of time, so today we will be applying a few fixes to the remaining nodes in order to achieve that.

Each VM will be gracefully shut down one by one for a period of approx. 30 minutes to apply kernel updates on the hardware nodes. After that all VMs will be started again. We plan to complete this by 18:00 PST.

List of nodes in this batch:

Fremont v509 v511

Los Angeles v771 v772 v773 v774 v775 v776 v777 v778 v779 v780 v781 v782 v783 v784 v785 v786 v787 v788 v789 v806 v807 v808 v809 v810 v811

Amsterdam v901 v908

Los Angeles v1113 v1114 v1115 v1116 v1117 v1118 v1119 v1120

Vancouver v1207 v1209 v1211 v1213

New York v2102 v2103 v2104

Los Angeles v7102 v7103 v7104 v7105 v7106 v7107 v7108 v7109 v7110 v7111 v7112 v7113 v7114 v7115 v7116 v7117

v7202 v7203 v7204 v7205 v7206 v7207 v7208 v7209 v7211 v7212 v7213 v7214 v7215 v7216 v7217 v7218

v8102 v8103 v8104 v8105 v8106 v8107 v8108 v8109 v8110 v8111 v8112 v8113 v8114 v8115 v8116 v8117 v8118

v8202 v8203 v8204 v8205 v8206 v8207 v8208 v8209 v8210 v8211 v8212 v8213 v8214 v8215 v8216 v8217



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